Chances are you have a child with a tongue or lip-tie if you’re researching frenectomies. Or maybe you’re a new or expecting parent who is being as prepared as possible. Either way, we’re here to help!


What is a Tie?

It’s really very simple to understand what a tongue or lip tie is. A piece of skin in your mouth is too short or too tight and restricts the movement of either the tongue or lips. With a tongue tie, it’s the skin that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. With a lip tie, it’s the piece of skin that connects your lip to the gums.


What is a Frenulum?

That little piece of skin that is too short or tight is known as the frenulum. It’s a teeny-tiny part of the body that can be a real headache for babies and parents. Babies with lip or tongue ties can have problems with breastfeeding, the ability to suck, or speech problems in older kids.


How to Spot a Tongue or Lip Tie

The very easiest way to know for sure if your child has a tongue tie is to have it officially diagnosed. Therefore, if you see any of the following concerns bring your child in and we can help you know for sure.

  • Baby has a hard time lifting or moving the tongue
  • Baby can’t stay latched or has a shallow latch while breastfeeding
  • Baby has poor weight gain as a result of not transferring enough milk
  • Baby makes a clicking or smacking sound when eating.


What is a Frenectomy

Want to know what a frenectomy is? It’s a quick and simple procedure that helps fix tongue or lip ties! Instead of “having a tie clipped,” the doctor makes a small incision with scissors or a laser to release the tight frenulum and loosen the restriction. No worries, your child will be fully numbed throughout the process, so it’s just a breeze!


How Long is the Recovery?

Fortunately, the recovery from a frenectomy is brief. Your baby shouldn’t have discomfort for more than a day or two at most. In fact, the Journal of Human Lactation reports that 80 percent of breastfeeding sessions were improved within 24-hours of a frenectomy.


What to Do

Give us a call! Your pediatrician can also diagnose a tie, but we’re the experts when it comes to little chompers. We will happily help you determine if your child does, in fact, have a tie and what your options are to treat it. Contact us today. Dr. Kiser, Dr. Cocjin, Dr Hannah and Dr Williams, and our entire team are here to help!

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